Town of Bayview wants an EIS and more stringent safeguards that DNR requires:

Town of Bayview

Resolution No. 15-03

Requesting that the Bayfield County Board Adopt More Stringent Safeguards, Protections and Standards than are Contained in ATCP-51 Which Relates to Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) and that the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Require that a Full Environmental Impact Study be Performed Prior to the Siting of a CAFO in Bayfield County

WHEREAS the Town of Bayview is located on the shore of Chequamegon Bay on Lake Superior, the largest body of fresh water, by surface area, on earth; and

WHEREAS clean, fresh water is vital to all life; and

WHEREAS tourism based on the pristine quality of Lake Superior is a vital aspect of Washburn’s economy; and

WHEREAS a Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) housing 24,000 hogs is proposed in the Fish Creek watershed and therefore has the potential to impact ground and surface water in all downstream wells, wetlands, lakes, rivers and streams, including Chequamegon Bay; and

WHEREAS, a 24,000 hog CAFO could produce more than 20 times as much excreta as the entire Town of Bayview and that excreta would be knifed or injected untreated into farm soil; and

WHEREAS the spreading of swine manure on fields has been shown to increase E. coli levels downstream. (Risk Assessment Evaluation for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations, US EPA/600/R-04/042, pg 32-34, May 2004)

WHEREAS Washburn beaches have been closed due to elevated E. coli. levels in recent years; and

WHEREAS our neighbors in the city of Ashland source their drinking water from Chequamegon Bay; and

WHEREAS runoff from high densities of livestock have been linked to increased phosphorous levels causing “dead zones” in Green Bay and Lake Erie; and

WHEREAS our neighbors, the Bad River and Red Cliff bands of Lake Superior Ojibwe have legally protected Treaty rights related to hunting, fishing and gathering in ceded territory; and

WHEREAS the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors passed a 1 year moratorium on the licensing of CAFOs over 1000 animal units on February 18th, 2015, with the intention of studying the potential impacts of such operations, as well as studying the legal rights of Bayfield County to regulate such operations;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of the Town of Bayview hereby respectfully requests that the Bayfield County Board adopt more stringent safeguards, protections and standards than are contained in ATCP-51 which relates to Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of the Town of Bayview supports the recently adopted one year moratorium on the siting of CAFOs by the Bayfield County Board in order to study the possible health and water impacts based on scientific evidence.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of the Town of Bayview calls upon the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources to require that a full Environmental Impact Study be performed prior to the siting of a Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation in Bayfield County Wisconsin.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of the Town of Bayview provide copies of this resolution to the Bayfield County Board and the Wisconsin DNR (Duane Popple) with copies to the Bayfield County Board Chair and Bayfield County Administrator.

Charly Ray, Chairman

I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true, correct and complete copy of a Resolution #15-03 duly and regularly adopted by the Board for the Town of Bayview on the 10th day of March 2015 and that said resolution has not been repealed or amended, and is now in full force and effect.

Wanda Hyde, Clerk

The town also added wording that supports a ban on the use of non-therapeutic drugs unless the company demonstrates with reasonable certainty that the non-therapeutic use will not harm human health by contributing to the development of anti-microbial resistance.