Beer, Brats, Walker and Wisconsin Democrats June 8, 2012

"Tomorrow we are no longer opponents," he said. "Tomorrow, we are one as Wisconsinites, so we can move Wisconsin forward." In fact he is inviting the member of legislature for burgers, brats, and good Wisconsin beer. (SWE considers this a violation of the open meetings law). Seems that Walker wants feed the troop, fill em' up with brewskis and declare all is well and he is a good guy with the plan to prosperity – especially for the fat cats who provided the $50,000,000 to keep his job. To cap off his success, he announced today he expects three Democrats to vote for his bill. SWE sources are speculating these three may include, Senators Jauch, Cullen, and Carpenter.

These words were spoken by the Tea Party rockstar, Scotty Walker. His ego will now go unchallenged and he will become his own worst enemy in due time. His stock is at an all time high as the investors in his campaign, rhetoric, and the hopes they have to spread his dogma across the nation have been given a big boost. The message, spend enough money and America is for sale.

Walker mania banners will appear across the nation and he will be touted as “presidential”. He will spend less and less time in Wisconsin and more time promoting the agenda of his allies.

Scotty’s idea of moving Wisconsin forward simply means Wisconsin is for sale and not necessarily to the highest bidder. So far he has aligned himself with the Bother Koch, bankers, Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce, and just about anyone else who wants to exploit Wisconsin’s resources in exchange for a few jobs.

The snub by President Obama for Barrett’s campaign confirmed Walker’s victory from the Democratic Party perspective. Obama did want to share a fish fry with one his Democratic brothers for fear that a fish fry might taint his chances for reelection. Obama’s actions may have been the not so subtle signal to Wisconsin Democrats to do whatever it takes to preserve our state for his upcoming presidential bid. 

As the democrats scurry for cover, State Senator Bob Jauch will be elevated to senior strategist for his behind the scenes efforts to develop the “consensus document” which may well eliminate all public input as Wisconsin’s legislation and rules are swept aside to allow water resources to be polluted and a strip mine to deface the Penokee Hills. All of this will be done while promoting the idea of responsible mining. 

Wisconsin democrats will have to act fast – they know it is important to put the Penokee Mine to rest before the election. They do not want to lose their jobs and standing firm and protecting the Bad River Watershed and the Penokees is seen as a threat, especially in light of Walker’s survival. In fact, if Republicans may be better off with the Democrats in their pockets than running their own candidates. The promoters of the recall for Bob Jauch have called off their effort to oust Bob from the Sate Senate. Seems this announcement came on the heels of Bob meeting with Walker and Sullivan to promote the “consensus document” end run on the water protection and the Penokee Hills. For now Bob Jauch is politically home free and will work to support the current Democratic Assembly candidates as they stand before the voters this fall. 

The Republicans are very upfront – Out with the old water protection rules and regulations and in with Walker and his mining company buddies rules and regulations. To be sure these will provide all the legal stuff needed to strip mine the Penokees loopholes, variances, and waivers will be included for a safe measure. With this thought in mind a request has been emailed to Jauch, Milroy and Bewley to include the Penokees and the Bad River Watershed in a no mine zone. 

Walker mania will not stop with just changing mining and water quality regulations. The largest fresh water lake is within his grasp and access to this resource will really be a corporate prize. Around the world corporations are gabbing water resources and controlling access to drinking water. And we should not overlook the need for home for radioactive waste. Northern Wisconsin was an acceptable site a few years ago and one of Walker’s Republican predecessors suggested that Wisconsin should do its share and consider accepting nuclear waste. A raid on Wisconsin’s pension fund, increased taxation, corporate take over of public services and any other schemes that will excite the Tea Party and fill the coffers of corporate America are on Walker’s agenda.

What can we do – have fun, refuse to take the politicians seriously – challenge then at their own game. Call the politicians to task and those who chose to hide behind the old clichés like “responsible mining” or the need to maintain credibility are only avoiding the public’s best interest. The talk of strategy and master plans is not longer valuable. Walker and his supporters with the big bankrolls have won the day. The Democrats and the public sector unions need more help and better advice if they want to be politically successful.

Starting this week we must begin reorganizing and redoubling our efforts to protect the water. Now that the recall is over and summer s here, we need to prepare for the Walker’s revenge.

It is also equally important for us to remind our legislative delegation that Douglas County, Ashland County and Bayfield County supported Tom Barrett. Even Iron County only gave Walker a very marginal win. The message is we are not interested in giving up fresh water for the promise of illusive jobs. For Bob Jauch the message should be to abandon his alliance with Scott Walker and Tim Sullivan. The message to Assemblypersons Bewley and Milroy, don’t be hood winked by Jauch’s shenanigans as he spends his time behind closed doors trying to sell his “consensus document” nonsense.  Bob already has third party organizers hard at work to challenge him if he decides to ask the public for their support again. If our current Assembly persons follow Bob’s lead, they will walking hand in hand with Walker as he continues promote an open pit strip mine through 22 miles of the Bad River Watershed.