Bro Fitzgerald admits mining company wrote the bill.


One Brother Fitzgerald admits the mining companies wrote the bill. Who will do his work in the next session? Is this admission due to arrogance, ignorance, or just plan stupidity? His actions, along with the other Brother Fitzgerald have been shameful. Seems that these Bros have bulled their way around the legislature following their egos. Their reward - Big Bro Fitzgerald is facing a recall and struggling for his political life and little Bro Fitzgerald has dashed his egocentric idea he would become a US Senator. Baby Bro Fitzgerald needs to understand that his legacy over this past year includes: trying to trash the waters of the Penokee Hills for Milwaukee jobs, ignoring his duty to serve the people, bowing to industry giants and allowing them to write legislation that drastically would have altered the Penokee Hills, bullying his pathetic crew of Republicans to support legislation written by corporate giants while he stood by and played his assigned role as cheerleader. Time to throw these bums out and get some new bums…