Senate Select Committee on Jobs for Mines.. 10/04/2011

Scott Walker and his cronies, the brothers Fitzgerald, have carefully selected their team to promote mining in the Penokees. Leader of the pack is Senator Neal Kedzie and his "six pack" will attempt to convince us the open pit strip mine in the Penokees is our idea. Kedzie and his "six-pack" will work hard at minimizing the discussion of the strip mine and instead focus on what they think is the real issue - Jobs in Mining! It is simply amazing that seven white guys will sit on a mis-named committee and try to convince us that destroying thousands of years of nature's work is a good idea. Only politicians can pull this off with a straight face. Neal and his six-pack have their own web page.  Kedzie, the mascot lovin' leader has laid out the decorum for meetings. I expect WMC  Caterpillar, GTac, and Bucyrus have already prepared their spin-doctors, mouthpieces, lobbyists, and lawyers to mount up and move in! This will be another test for Scott's attempt to sell off Wisconsin and for corporations to pony up the bucks to make it happen.